Team Gambia 2020 invite you to partner with them

Anthony, Dustin, James, Roman & Sam

Thank you for your support & prayers!

Mission dates: 1 – 9 Feb 2020

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin£3,203Raised £2,074 towards the £3,203 target.£2,074Raised £2,074 towards the £3,203 target.65%

Please Select Under ‘My donations are for’: Gambia 2020 Mission Trip

So far we have raised £2,074 towards our £3,203 target!

Some of the things we’ll be doing in Gambia

– Lending a hand to Servants of the Word Theological College in their ministry as they train young pastors, equip and encourage Christian men, women and youth.

– Encouraging Christians in Gambia, learning about their lives and struggles.

– Getting stuck into some manual labour to help build the new Servants of the Word campus, which will allow so many people from across West Africa to be trained up!

– Taking out much needed resources

How you can help the team


– For planning, preparation and training before they go and then lots of prayer that they will be used by God wonderfully during the mission week!

– For safety, good health and effectiveness whilst there

– For spiritual health leading up to and during the trip

– For the Vernons and Pastor Steven too as they make arrangements and think through how best we can serve


Although the team are sacrificially funding much the cost themselves, they need your help to get them there!

Please Select from ‘My donations are for’: Gambia 2020 Mission Trip

Servants of the Word

Servants of the Word

Mission Partner

Servants of the Word (SOW) is in its eighth year of running part-time classes for pastors, evangelists, children’s workers and others, attracting students from a wide range of ages and nationalities (The Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea and Sierra Leone). This sort of training is desperately uncommon in the whole of West Africa, so there is a wide and exciting potential impact that SOW can have.

Currently SOW can only run part-time classes in rented classrooms, which makes it hard for many to attend regularly. But they have a bold vision for the future: work is underway to develop a residential site from which they can offer full-time courses. The new campus in a strategic location for the whole west Africa region. Courses offered will continue to train people for bible-teaching ministries, focusing on preaching and discipleship.

For more information please contact us at